David Coad - Consultant Anaesthetist
Victoria Cosgrave - Senior Charge Nurse – 109 Seconded
Jenny Farquhar - Scottish Hip Fracture Co-ordinator
Sam Galbraith - Deputy Charge Nurse - 109
Cath Green - Clinical Lead Orthopaedic Theatres
Amy Harris - MOE Liaison Nurse
Amanda Hogg - Physiotherapist Orthopaedics
Finn Kelly - Senior Staff Nurse- 108
Jo Langlands - Clinical Lead Orthopaedic Theatres
Alasdair MacLullich - Professor, Medicine for the Elderly
Claire McNee - Clinical Nurse Manager
Krishna Murthy - Consultant Emergency Physician
Chris Myers - Service Manager, Orthopaedics Directorate
Fiona Neary - Scottish Hip Fracture Co-ordinator
Chloe Scott - Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
Fiona Stewart -Trauma Co-ordinator
Gillian Stewart - Lead Physiotherapist Orthopaedics
Avril Stewart - Discharge Planning Co-ordinator
Amy Suttie - Staff Nurse MOE
Lorna Turner - Senior Charge Nurse - 108
John Wardhaugh - Senior Charge Nurse - 109
Gillian Walker - Lead Occupational Therapist Orthopaedics
Margaret Watkins - Quality and Safety Improvement Project Manager
This clinical programme is being guided by NHS Lothian Clinical Quality Management systems team.