About us
The NHS Lothian Steering Group for Quality Improvement (QI) in Primary Care is proud to present this Primary Care Quality Improvement Plan for the next three years (2021-2024). This plan underscores our aim to develop a sustainable strong culture of continuous and measurable quality improvement across all Primary Care services in Lothian to ensure care is safe, effective, patient-centred, timely, efficient and equitable.
Our objectives for the Network as outlined in the Plan are:
Building a collective will and commitment to improve quality and safety in primary care
Responsive adaptable quality planning to meet current priorities/pressures
Strengthening local leadership for quality management, including support of Cluster Quality Leads
Continuing to build capacity and capability for QI through training and improvement coaching
Increasing patient and staff involvement in the network, the Quality Improvement Enhanced Service and across Cluster and Health and Social Care Partnership projects and innovative non-Enhanced Service improvement work
Scale and spread projects with clinical impact or which demonstrate significant value, efficiency or patient experience.