Royal Infirmary Edinburgh

Annette Cosgrove - Improving the Interface between Patients and Staff in the Waiting Room of the Emergency Dept RIE.

Trish Elder-Gracie - Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Assessment

Jennifer Watters -

Sian Finch - To improve the quality of follow up for patients commenced on Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV) in Lothian referred to Sleep Medicine by Feb '18.

St. John's Hospital

Emma Barnes - Transitioning from hospital to home after stroke

David Cusack - Implementing a physiologist led valve clinic for mild-moderate aortic setnosis patients, improving quality, continuity and efficiency. 

Western General Hospital

Caroline Souter- (WGH) Reduce patient harm from gentamicin

Royal Edinburgh Hospital

Rebecca Lawrence-  (REH) Redesign of Ritson Clinic Criteria for Referral/Admission


Robert Sedgley - Providing Theatre's with high level support whilst reducing risk, inefficiency and frustrations.

John Smith - A Skill Mix Review of Outpatient Nursing

Cheryl Tudor- (Ballenden House) Improving the occupational therapy referral pathway to make it more efficient and effective for service users and staff.

Isla Muir- (Liberton) Embedding QI into Everyday Practice

Louise Moffatt -

Alisson Stewart - (Tranent Health Centre) Provide an appointment system that meets the needs of the Practice population and prioritises the patients with the greatest need.

Tracy Lazenby-Paterson - (Leith Community Treatment Centre) Improving the eating and drinking experience of adults with learning disabilities in hospital.

Rebecca Kellett - (Herdmanflat Hospital) Improving the safety and quality of life of care home residents with communication and/or swallowing difficulties due to dementia.