Virtual Quality Improvement Skills Course - Cohort 18

March - July 2023

Astley Ainslie Hospital

Alyssa Lee - Audit and Service for MAT standards 6 and 10


Royal Edinburgh Hospital

Neena Dhillon - Art Therapy Pilot


Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh

Laura Campbell - NEWS2 Recognition

Jamie Ovens & Lyndsey Watt - Improving Discharge Process on the ward

Caron McQuade - Increase the percent of normothermic orthopaedic elective surgical patients


St. John’s Hospital

Carrie-Anne Pringle - Optimising outpatient workflow in the Pharmacy Department

Susan Morrison - Improving quality, efficiency, equity and person-centredness of CAMHS Occupational Therapy (OT) sensory-informed assessments

Western General Hospital

Catriona Corsie & Sarah Hamilton - Improving the Cancer Family History Service
in the South East of Scotland Regional Genetics Department

Ailie Young - A Review of the Cardiac Arrest Pagers at the Western General Hospital


Matt Bell & Beth Lambie - Improving ADHD medication review process

Rhona Allardice - Continence and discharge to Care Homes

Burcin Meltem - QI Academy Follow-up Process: Documenting, Sharing and Taking your QI Project to the next level