Essentials of QI workshop - January 2020

WGH’s Essentials of QI programme includes a series of short education sessions introducing fundamental principles, methods and tools of quality improvement (QI).

The programme is designed for people beginning their experiences with QI. Participants may have been a part of a QI project team or this may be the first QI experience they have. The programme includes a combination of online and in person learning, enhanced by an opportunity to use learning practically.

There are currently two sessions available as a part of the Essentials of QI programme:

Essentials: Planning for Improvement

This session covers

  • Team working and stakeholders

  • Double diamond design thinking

  • Using data for understanding

  • QI tools including fishbone diagrams and process maps

This session is best suited for staff who know there is a problem but are yet to use QI to investigate and understand their problem. It is also well suited to staff likely to lead improvement projects. Staff will benefit from attending both days where possible.


To join the session, participants are required to

  • Have support from their line manager to attend training

Requirements for completion of the session include

  • Completion of selected eLearning modules

  • Attendance at a workshop session

EQI Planning for quality. Thank you to NES for the use of this image

Hear people talking about QI but still not sure exactly what it is?
Click here for a bit more information.

Essentials: Projects

This session covers

  • Aim statements

  • Measurement frameworks

  • QI tools including fishbone diagrams, driver diagrams and process maps

  • Understanding and using data

This session is best suited for staff who understand their system/problem and are ready to make changes and improvement. It is also suited to improvement team members. Staff will benefit from attending both days where possible.


To join the session, participants are required to

  • Have support from their line manager to attend training and to complete a QI project

  • Have an idea for something that can be improved in their workplace

Requirements for completion of the programme include

  • Completion of selected eLearning modules

  • Attendance at a workshop session

Those undertaking a project will also

  • Attend at a coaching session with a WGH QI coach

  • Work on a QI project

  • Complete and submit a project charter (with support)

  • Provide project updates at 1, 3, 6 and 12 months after the workshop

EQI Improvement projects. Thank you to NES for the use of this image

Interested in attending? Complete the form below
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